Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Xmas

My heart is happy and in a same time sad.
Happy because is Christmas ! Very important for us and for all the family. Huge celebration !

We worked all day long, came back home late in the evening and directly called my parents. Santa Close already arrived; Dedy was super happy and showed us all the gifts, like ussually she got the most :) The house is wonderful decorated, lights and glitter everywhere, all of us are wearing the happy smile on our faces, but the heart inside of us is crying.
We are such a nice family, even a long distance is separating us, actually we feell so close. But till when???????? Nico with Franti are in Germany, my parents home; with Dedy, and My Lovely with me here. We should be ALL TOGETHER, specially now in the most important event from all the year. I couldn't hide my tears anymore, we supposed to be happy in this time. I only hope from the bottom of my heart, that next year we'll be all together home.

My Lovely is Great. Thanks God, I'm lucky to have him on my side! I love you My Lovely for ever!
Happy Xmass My Love!

Merry Xmass to everybody who celebrate it!



Em said...

merry christmas and happy new year hunny!!! hope you get your wishes true and that you'll all be together soon.

sea life said...

Thanks for your lovely wishes!

Karen ^..^ said...

It is sad when those you love cannot be with you at special holidays, but someday you can all celebrate together. Maybe next year!

Have a very happy new year, my friend.

sea life said...

Thanks Karen, very sweet from you!