Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year !!!

Good Bye 2008 !

It was a very difficult time, but despite all the troubles, we had a lot of gaieties as well. Dedy had excellent results in school, and our business was launched.
Anyway, I'm very happy to say Bye-Bye to 2008, and I'm looking forward for a better time.

We had a very pleasant Silvester ! After a very long and funny chat with my parents & our princess, we made all our phone calls in Germany. It was a kind of entertainment, cause, we were the first appointed with 2009, 2hours later it was my parents turn, and finally my lovely brother with his wife,3 hours later, welcomed the New Year!

2008 tested our cooking and organizing skills,(work under stress) for the last time :)
My Lovely prepared a delicious dinner accompanied by a glass of "Le Clos Du Manoir"(Bordeaux Superieur-2005), while I was tiding up the place and took a fast shower.
3minutes to midnight, we were ready with all the preparation, nice dressed and waiting for the count down :)

Gorgeous ! We welcomed the New Year, with Peace , Love & the Light of Hope in our hearts !

I wish you all a Great New Year, enriched with Health, Love & Happiness !

La Multi Ani ! Un An Nou Fericit, plin de bucurii si surprize placute !

Einen Guten Rutsch Ins Neue Jahr !


Em said...

happy new year! :) may this be better than the last

sea life said...

Happy New Year for you and your dears as well !!!