Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happyness !!!

Yesterday, early in the morning Dedy arrived :)

Our princess is with us now. Today she started the school. She was very excited about.

She brought us a lot of gifts sent by my parents, traditional romanian food and of course a looooooot of stories :)

Yesterday was a gorgeous day !

We even allowed her to go later than usually in bed !

For the evening we have plans, we'll go somewhere out, we don't know yet where, we'll see :)

Have a great day all of you !!!


Em said...

it's great she's back now :) i'm sure you're enjoying every moment of it!

sea life said...

Oh Yes Indeed :D

Jayne said...

Glad that she's back hon :-)

sea life said...

me tooooooo :D

Sandie said...

great picture...I am glad u had a great day.

sea life said...

Oh yes,we had and still have every day:D